Our Practice in Klamath Falls, OR

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We believe seeing is a gift and you deserve the best vision possible.

Gary Voight Dispensing Optician and Dr. Teresa Graham have worked together as a team since 1998. Our goal is to provide exceptional eye care with exceptional service.

Dr. Teresa Graham is able to provide a full spectrum of eye care to our customers, offering everything from simple eye exams to complex eye surgery.

Our Team



Owner & Dual-Certified Optician



Optical Assistant



Office Manager, Dual-Certified Optician, Receptionist, and Bookkeeper

Dr. Teresa Graham

Gary Voight is proud to have partnered with Dr. Teresa Graham for over 24 years as an associated doctor. Dr. Graham offers a full spectrum of eye care services, including:

Get in touch with Dr. Graham’s team to book your appointment with her today.

Our Associations

Our Location

*We are closed daily for lunch on Monday – Thursday from 1-2 p.m.

Our Address

  • 1000 Pine Street
  • Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Contact Information

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